SHE Matters Movement

SHE Matters is a nationwide tour and movement that reaffirms to every girl their value, purpose and worth. The purpose of the “She Matters” tour is to guide and inspire young ladies through motivational speaking and purposeful interaction. Our goal is to reach and influence young ladies across the world. Ladies of Favor, Inc. will be speaking to these young ladies to uplift, empower, and motivate them to achieve greatness. The SHE Matters tour will help young ladies to understand that they matter even if they have been bruised, broken, or discouraged. Our concept is SHE Matters…….I Matter…….We Matter.
Help us spread the SHE Matters message across the world by supporting the movement. All proceeds benefit the SHE Matters Movement.
Contact us to bring the Ladies of Favor SHE Matters Movement to your city, community, college, or school.